Whilst traversing the queues and trying desperately to hold onto our cash amidst all the stalls packed full of temptation we took time out to find out what some of the cast of the original POWER RANGERS: THE MOVIE thought of the proposed reboot plans. In attendance were David Yost, the first blue ranger Billy, and Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy, aka Bulk and Skull.
During a talk dedicated purely to all things Power Rangers the trio were accompanied by Ranger from another series (and galaxy) Cerinna Vincent, and gave their thoughts on the new movie. Cerinna who of course was not in the film expressed a desire to star in it, though admitted that although she’s worked with production company Lionsgate a lot over the years, she hasn’t yet had the call. She professed a strong desire to return as a villain this time around and hoped that the film will see old Rangers mixed amongst new ones. Yost stated that given how he left the show (he parted on bad terms) he isn’t expecting an invite back and stated that he wanted them to go in a darker direction with a little of the original’s camp-side sprinkled on top. Narvy agreed with Yost’s darker tone and wishes, remarking that the original fans of the show had now become grown-ups, so why not make the film for them?
Once the talk was over we sought out Narvy and Schrier to find out what they thought Bulk and Skull might be up to now if they were to featured in the new film. Before we share their thoughts I would like to say that Schrier and Narvy are excellent entertainment and put on a show every second of the weekend. Should you ever get the opportunity to meet the pair I urge you to take it. After witnessing them in the flesh it is easy to see why the pair were cast as the Laurel and Hardy of the series. They are also very much their characters come to life.
Paul Schrier: Well we know Skull’s fabulously wealthy.
Jason Narvy: Bulk is living out of a garage with a little boy.
PS: Yep that’s exactly right.
JN: Well I would say both of them are in jail. One of them for exertion and the other for the man act.
PS: Ooow boys town. Yikes.
JN: Well here’s the thing, I think one thing Power Rangers wasn’t great at, I have to say, is continuity. Like during the story arc, generations and generations and generations pass and they went to space. But it would be nice [in the reboot] if we suddenly break off and there’s Bulk and Skull as tree planters, I don’t know why tree planters but that’s what they’re doing.
Would you like to see the return of the ‘Stealth Eagle’ and ‘Swooping Swallow’ in the new movie?