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‘Batman Vs Superman’ Costume Designer Talks Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

Superhero costume designer extraordinaire Michael Wilkinson has begun whipping up a Wonder Woman frenzy with snippings about her costume and – you can all breathe a sigh of relief – it looks like it’s going to be “gladiator style”.

“You just have to look at the gladiators from ancient Rome – they did their thing in little loincloths, a spear and a shield” he said.

Speaking about the “thrilling and scary” design process, Wilkinson explained that he had conducted a large amount of research into Wonder Woman’s wardrobe so far, before coming up with a new take on the outfit that’s relevant for today. “It’s so important to get her right,” he explained.

Wilkinson, whose sartorial skills won him an Oscar nomination for THE REAL HUSTLE, also designed the new Batsuit and is tweaking Superman’s outfit for the forthcoming BATMAN VS SUPERMAN, which sees Gal Gadot taking on the role of Wonder Woman. Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Jesse Eisenberg and Jeremy Irons also star. Zack Synder directs.

Source: TheWrap

Claire Joanne Huxham comes from the south-west, where the cider flows free and the air smells of manure. She teaches A-level English by day and fights crime by night. When not doing either of these things she can usually be found polishing her Star Trek DVD boxsets. And when she can actually be bothered she writes fiction and poetry that pops up on the web and in print. Her favourite film in the whole world, ever, is BLADE RUNNER.

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