Here’s a little technology news for you which has been unveiled at CES 2020. The new projection technology includes an innovative 4DX screen, with no less than four sides, a new Ultrawide Zoom Lens for Digital Cinema Projection, and the Latest 4DX Motion Chairs.
4DX Screen blends two of the most advanced cinema technologies in the market today with its cutting-edge convergence technology, resulting in a breakthrough cinematic platform that will define the future of cinema. As part of the evolution of the 4DX and ScreenX formats, not only is the cinema screen surrounded by three sides, but the ceiling is also transformed as a screen completely encompassing the cinema space. 4DX Screen is the most advanced cinema in the world, patented with over 220 unique technologies.
Take a look at this:
4DX Screen is the first of its kind in the world of cinema. The sidewalls of the auditorium are curved to a trapezoidal shape, diminishing image distortion to provide a more comfortable, and seamless panoramic viewing experience. On top of the unique trapezoidal screen structure is the ceiling screen that covers the remaining unused space of the auditorium. Facing the enveloped screen space are state-of-the-art 4DX motion chairs, which are the most advanced form of 4DX chair available on the market. With up to 10 times wider range of motion than the previous model, the latest 4DX model has large sway and wide pitch mechanisms, offering a smoother riding experience.
The company will also introduce an ultra-wide zoom lens in development, which can reduce projection distance by 70 percent compared to standard projection lens with a throw ratio of 1.8. The custom lens for digital cinema projection has a throw ratio of 0.55 to 0.7, which means the projector can be placed closer upfront or screen size can be up to three times larger in size in a fixed auditorium size, which can provide flexibility in terms of auditorium design and increase the efficiency of preexisting spaces.
Personally I haven’t experienced 4DX (click that link to read about its history) but I hear great things from those amongst us that have. Like all new technologies when it comes to evolving cinema technology I’m always a little hesitant but its interesting news all the same.
JongRyul Kim, CEO of CJ 4DPLEX said: “Our company is dedicated to pioneering the cinematic industry to adapt to the rapidly evolving technology. We are confident that the latest 4DX Screen cinema, will deliver an enhanced cinema experience for existing movie-goers and attract young generations to the cinemas.”
More as it comes in.