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Watch the UK trailer for the brilliant festival favourite ‘War On Everyone’

War On Everyone trailer: The UK promo has hit for the upcoming dark comedy, a five-star reviewed film on The Hollywood News.

The War On Everyone trailer can be viewed in our player below.

War On Everyone trailer

We first saw the brilliant War On Everyone at the Berlin Film Festival back in February, and then again at Sydney this past week, and we can tel you that it is an exceptionally funny movie. The UK trailer for the film has finally been released ahead of the film’s debut this coming September.

The film, directed by the superb John Michael McDonagh, focuses on the exploits of Michael Pena and Alexander Skarsgard’s characters, Bob Bolero and Terry Monroe, two New Mexico cops who will do anything to get out of good old-fashioned police-work, and to top up their income by any means necessary – even if that means extortion, blackmail, or ripping off their own informants. This very, very black comedy puts a new spin on the buddy cop movie as the pair go after a missing $1 million – not with the intent on bringing the people that stole it to justice, but to line their own pockets. The hood behind the robbery appears to be a British ‘businessman,’ here played by Theo James, who might just prove to be a fly in the ointment as he refuses to put up with their less conventional police tactics.

You can check out the War On Everyone trailer below, but here’s a little from our review (which garnered five big THN stars when we saw it in Berlin).

Pena is fantastic, easily his best ever performance, and his chemistry withSkarsgard is electric. They bounce so well of of one another; one of the greatest on-screen comedy teamings since Riggs and Murtagh – though again, that statement doesn’t do this justice. We have a great villain in Theo James, gloriously darting away from his persona as a teen idol, chewing the scenery nd spitting it out, but not too much. The new James Franco? We mean that with the greatest respect to both. (Theo) James is brilliant; his villainous British lord a break from the norm, and a vile human with impeccable dress sense. His sidekick in Caleb Jones‘s Birdwell also adds a news spin to campy henchmen, and Keith Jardine drops a blinder as the tracksuit-adorned Barry. Then there’s Tessa Thompson as the woman that tamed the beast that is Monroe, a welcomed addition to the cast, riding the wave of success following Creed.

Watch the War On Everyone trailer below. The film arrives in UK cinemas from 30th September 2016.

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