The filthy rich have always held a flame in Hollywood. Year on year we are treated to some sort of film that features a persona of extreme wealth, whether that be Jay Gatsby or Bruce Wayne, Jordan Belfort or Gordon Gekko, Tony Stark or Charles Xavier. Hollywood loves a filthy rich male.
So what characteristics does a rich male need to possess to make it onto the silver screen?
Any rich character in any film has a dominant extraversion trait. According to website AWinningPersonality, those who have high levels of extraversion are energetic and seek-out others… they are extroverts. A healthy majority of people are extroverts but those in the films take it to the extreme. Bar Bruce Wayne and Xavier, every other uber-rich character to have graced Hollywood has liked to show his wealth off. They have the mindset where they need to be glorified, they are that showy.
Then there comes the split, the character will either have a strong or weak agreeableness characteristic. Basically deciding whether they are good or bad.
Those strong in the agreeableness trait sees people become more trusting, caring and helpful. This is the route taken by Charles Xavier who cares for young mutants and helps save the world. In essence, Hollywood directors and producers need to decide does this man have a conscience. This trait is also found in Bruce Wayne, who is a strange one in himself as he is such a dark persona. If you do not know who Bruce Wayne is: first, shame on you; second, he’s Batman.
Then you see those with a much smaller proportion of agreeableness characteristics. These are the egotistical, self-centred, greedy rich characters such as Gordon Gekko and Jordan Belfort. They have no problem in manipulating and taking advantage of other people to suit their needs. Any film involving a banker will see the character have this same ruthless, egocentric persona.
Being rich doesn’t mean you are happy. That’s a point that in fairness Hollywood is quick to point out. Many of the super rich tend to be neurotic. Despite their lavish surroundings they have a negative outlook on life and are general dark. Look at Bruce Wayne. He became an introverted recluse who was not seen for numerous years. Despite all the opulent and sheer magnificent parties Gatsby throws, he is never truly happy as yearns for his true love. These two are mild in the neurotic department in comparison to Patrick Bateman, the chainsaw dropping lunatic from American Psycho, that guy was dark and then some. He was sick.
The other two traits of the big five do not really make up much of the filthy rich. Conscientiousness means you are well disciplined and very organised, they are not the characteristics that you want your main protagonist to possess. As for openness, well that leads to creative thinking and a yearning for a cultural education. High levels of this leads to new age thinking which would be far too “left-wing” and “hippyish” for an extremely wealthy man.