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Darren Aronofsky Drops Out Of ‘Red Sparrow’

Darren Aronofsky

BLACK SWAN’s Darren Aronofsky has been in talks to direct spy thriller RED SPARROW since last autumn, however recent sources state that the director has given up on the negotiations and is moving on. RED SPARROW is an adaptation of the book by Jason Matthews and follows the exciting story of a…

“Russian spy seductress and a young CIA agent who deals with Russian moles. The two play a cat-mouse game that has global implications, with the actions moving from Russia, across Europe to the US.”

RED SPARROW is still in development, but there is only one problem. It still does not have a script. Therefore, for now, 20th Century Fox’s main goal is hiring a screenwriter who will turn Matthews’ twisting tale into a hit movie. There is even speculation that RED SPARROW and Aronofsky might meet again down the line. However, at the moment, Aronofsky is busy with his upcoming film NOAH, starring Russell Crowe and Emma Watson, and in cinemas later this year.

Source: THR


Tina Baraga is a journalist. Since her early years, her passion and hobbies have always been rooted in movies, music and anything related to culture. The fascinating world of cinema still manages to amaze her and her favorite films range across all genres, including award winners CLOSER and VICKY CHRISTINA BARCELONA, comedy hit BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY and German film GOODBYE LENIN.

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