The fourth film in the BOURNE series (previously headlined by Matt Damon) THE BOURNE LEGACY, wasn’t the highest point in the franchise but despite this, it secured enough money at the box office for a sequel. Late last year Universal Pictures revealed that an untitled fifth film in the franchise was in development and just last month Justin Lin (The FAST AND FURIOUS series) was announced as the film’s new director. Jeremy Renner will return as Aaron Cross, the lead character from THE BOURNE LEGACY and another agent who was employed by the same company responsible for Damon’s Jason Bourne. Rachel Weisz is also set to return in the upcoming sequel as Dr. Marta Shearing.
Universal has now set the official release date for 14th August 2015 which is becoming an increasingly busy year for film and possibly the best for blockbusters and franchises we have ever had. With summer of 2015 already consisting of AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON, JURASSIC WORLD, FANTASTIC FOUR, TED 2, TERMINATOR 5 and BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN, releasing a film in this sequel and reboot heavy year could be box office suicide. However Universal have chosen this date carefully as a release this late in the summer only puts the film against Michael Fassbender’s ASSASSINS CREED. This could prove very smart as BOURNE is already a well established franchise and history doesn’t bode well for any film based on a video game. Lets hope that Justin Lin can inject some new life into the franchise and hopefully some adrenaline fueled action like the film’s have never seen before!
Source: Universal Pictures