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Teaser Trailer & Stills From Horror ‘Bloodline’

We’ve just received the teaser trailer and first set of stills for Osiris Entertainment’s upcoming horror flick, BLOODLINE. The film centres on seminary student Brett Ethos, played by Matt Thompson (and also directs), who falls away from the church after losing his faith. However, after discovering a forgotten cabin left to him by his family in their will, he soon finds that his ‘bloodline’ is being hunted by a real evil and he and his close friends, who’ve come along for the ride, find themselves fighting for their lives. Will temptation or redemption become his ultimatum? We’ll find out when the film arrives later in the year.





BLOODLINE co-stars Jesse Kristofferson, Kimberly Alexander, Christopher Frontiero, Gina Comparetto and Michael Acosta.

Source: The Hollywood News

Craig was our great north east correspondent, proving that it’s so ‘grim up north’ that losing yourself in a world of film is a foregone prerequisite. He has been studying the best (and often worst) of both classic and modern cinema at the University of Life for as long as he can remember. Craig’s favorite films include THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION, JFK, GOODFELLAS, SCARFACE, and most of John Carpenter’s early work, particularly THE THING and HALLOWEEN.

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