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The Hangover 3 Starts Shooting This Summer

A third instalment in the HANGOVER franchise is due to begin shooting this summer, after Warner Bros gave the project the go-ahead for a May 2013 release.

Director of the previous two instalments Todd Phillips will return, along with inebriated trio Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms – who, as we told you recently, have demanded a significant pay rise to the tune of an extra $10 million each to appear in the third instalment. Given the first film’s record-breaking box office success, grossing $467 million – the highest-grossing ‘R-rated’ comedy of all time – it’s probably not too much to ask.

And as the film is all set to go, it looks like the boys have got their wish. Audiences, on the other hand, may not – sure, last year’s THE HANGOVER PART II delivered on the high box office expectations set by the first film, grossing a cool $114 million more than its predecessor, but the film was essentially a replica of the original; from plot twists to style to the setups – all that changed was the location.

Luckily, it sounds like Phillips is wise to this – with rumours for the third instalment suggesting the director will be mixing things up with the format of the franchise, toning down the self-indulgence and keeping the gang in Los Angeles, rather than the exotic locales of the previous films.

Hopefully Phillips’ risk will pull off – either way, it’s certainly welcome. Can the director bring some much-needed originality back to the series? We’ll have to wait until next year to find out.

THE HANGOVER 3 is set for release on 24th May 2013.

Source: WorstPreviews

Chris started life by almost drowning in a lake, which pretty much sums up how things have gone so far. He recently graduated in Journalism from City University and is actually a journalist and everything now (currently working as Sports Editor at The News Hub). You can find him on Twitter under the ingenious moniker of @chriswharfe.

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