Back in 2006 Bong Joon-ho released THE HOST, a monster film that become the most successful film in Korean history. Ever since then there has unsurprisingly been rumblings of a sequel with it being official confirmed a number of months ago but now some new information has come to light.
Previously the film had the original director attached but that fell away with Joon-ho releasing the Hitchcockian MOTHER and is now under way with a possible American production. Now with it seeming that THE HOST is being groomed into a possible franchise it has been announced that the film will be in 3D. Like the rest of the world Korea has jumped on the 3D money train, the company behind the project, Chungeorahm Films, head, Kim Su-yeon told The Hollywood Reporter, “Given the nature of the film and the current trends in the global film market, we think that 3-D is the medium to go… But this will delay the film’s release date and bring significant changes to the film’s logistics.”
This isn’t the first or only East Asia production in 3D with China already having a number of projects on the go and Korea nearing completion on two other 3D events but THE HOST 2 will defiantly be the highest profile film. Whether this is a good thing, who knows, with the new attached director, PARK MYEONG-CHAN, having a background predominately steeped in commercials and none of the original cast returning this could easily turn into JAWS 3D rather than a sequel deserving of it’s original.