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‘Avengers: Infinity War’ Has Now Passed $2 Billion At The Global Box-Office

We expected it to do so, but the news has finally been confirmed, Avengers: Infinity War has passed the $2 billion mark at the global box-office. It is only the fourth film to achieve the massive amount of $$$ in receipts following the likes of Avatar, Titanic and Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The film is the fourth highest-grossing movie of all time behind those three behemoths, edging out 2015’s Jurassic World.

Here’s how the top five looks at the moment. We expect ‘Infinity War’ to shift Star Wars: The Force Awakens out of the way to obtain the third position in the all-time chart as it only has around $67 million to go.

1. Avatar – $2,787,965,087
2. Titanic – $2,187,463,944
3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens – $2,068,223,624
4. Avengers: Infinity War – $2,001,136,398
5. Jurassic World – $1,671,713,208

It’s a huge achievement for Disney and Lucasfilm who won’t be bothered if Star Wars gets shunted I’m sure. Of course, Avengers: Infinity War is just the first of a two-parter – the fourth Avengers movie is due in cinemas in a year’s time – so we may see the top five change once again next May.


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