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How to Get Started Making Short Films

All famous movie directors, from Martin Scorsese to Quentin Tarantino, had to start somewhere. They didn’t start making huge Hollywood blockbusters straight away; directors spend years honing their craft and mastering the art of filmmaking.

If you have dreams of making it big as a director, you too will have to follow this path. The best way to start is by making short films, these are the perfect medium to practice the craft and are an art form in their own right. If you want to get started making short films, we’ve written up a guide just for you. Check it out below.

Start With a Script

Every film, whether it’s the latest superhero movie or a short arthouse film, starts with a story. The story makes up the fundamental building blocks of a movie, the premise around which the director builds the world and the characters.

A story can be something simple to begin with. Think about Jaws for example; the basic idea of the film is that a shark arrives on the shores of an island and gets a taste for the swimmers. However, if you want your story to become a film, you’re going to have to turn it into a script. A script acts as a guide for both the director and the actors. It doesn’t just include dialogue, but also the rhythm and pace of the narrative, outlining how the film should be shot and structured.

When writing a script for your first short film, the key is to keep things simple. Start by getting down the basic beats of the narrative. With this framework in place, you can go back over and add in extra details, such as location and camera instructions.

A script for a short film doesn’t need to be long. A general rule of thumb is that one page of a script should equate to about one minute of screen time. So, for a 15-minute short film, you should aim to write a script of 15 pages.

Keep the Costs Down

Making movies is expensive. You only have to look at the budgets for the latest blockbuster hit to realise just how much money there is in the industry. However, as an amateur filmmaker just starting out, you’re not going to have anything near these kinds of budgets. In fact, you’ll be lucky if you have a budget at all.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make a fantastic short film. It’s all about thinking creatively and using whatever resources you have available. For example, you could use royalty-free music for videos to soundtrack your film, and camera equipment can be rented or even borrowed from a friend to keep costs down.

What About Actors?

Some of the world’s biggest celebrities are actors. We all know who people like Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hanks are, they have starred in some of the most memorable films in modern times.

Unfortunately, you’re not going to be able to get an A-list star on board for your short film. One look at the fees these actors charge will be enough to send any amateur filmmaker running for the hills. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t find top talent for your film, you just need to know where to look.

Get on social media and join some filmmaking and acting groups. Here, you’ll be able to find and connect with a huge network of like-minded creatives, many of whom will be eager to get involved with your project. These groups can be the perfect place to find actors for your film, as well as others who can help with things like filming, lighting and sound.

Get Editing

Shooting your short film is only half the battle. Once you have all of your raw footage, you’re going to need to edit it together to make the finished product. The editing process is where you’ll see your vision finally take shape. It’s where you sculpt your film out of the footage and use creative techniques to build the narrative.

Thankfully, editing videos is easier than ever, thanks to the availability of advanced editing tools and platforms. There are plenty of choices out there, so look into each before deciding which is the right one for you. Editing can be a complex process, so don’t just straight in or you could end up being overwhelmed. Instead, approach the task slowly and thoughtfully, think carefully about what you want to do and formulate a plan to help you achieve your goals.


If you’ve ever dreamed of becoming a famous movie director, starting with short films is essential. These projects teach you the skills required to be a filmmaker and can help you learn things like scriptwriting, casting, shooting, and editing. The best part about short films is that they can be made on a shoestring budget, and if the story at the heart of the film is engaging and entertaining, you can create some truly fantastic short movies.


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