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‘Minore’ review: Dir. Konstantinos Koutsoliotas [FrightFest 2023]

Set in a Greek seaside port, Konstantinos Koutsoliotas pits locals against invading creatures in his film Minore. Providing a fertile ground for fun and mayhem, Koutsoliotas’ feature is a delightful mix of comedy, sci-fi, and gore. 

Careful not to treat the viewer too early, Koutsoliotas slowly teases their audience. Every now and then something strange will sneak into the background, or there will be a glimpse of what is to come, but these moments are fleeting. Instead, Koutsoliotas and co-writer Elizabeth E. Schuch, focus on the pockets of people living in the port. Over the course of a few days the camera journeys around the village accumulating information about its inhabitants. Some are more featured than others, but every one of this eclectic line-up of characters is fascinating. Any one of them could be the protagonist, but that honour falls to out-of-town tourist, William (Davide Tucci), who gets just a smidgen more screen time than the rest. The set-up is the calm before the storm as Koutsoliotas manoeuvres all the players into place.

It takes until just after the hour mark for the chaos to begin, and once it starts, Koutsoliotas does not hold back. The creatures that have been dreamt up are beautifully wacky. They are all big eyes and tentacles, floating through the air, firing lasers at the human enemy. There is a Power Ranger villain / B-Movie quality to the creations that taps into some latent nostalgia and wins the viewer over. The action itself is zany, camp, and kitsch, making this section of Minore an immediate crowd-pleaser. As the bodies mount up, the practical effects come into play and they are equal parts horrific and hilarious. One character’s loss of their face is the pinnacle of Minore’s wacky tone, and is simply beautiful. 

Away from the mayhem, Minore has some breathtaking cinematography. The luscious scenery of the Greek isle is rich and wondrous to behold. It transports the viewer to the Mediterranean and places them on holiday alongside William. Though as stunning as the visuals are, Minore is driven by its music. Many of the characters featured are either professional musicians or impassioned amateurs, and so the early half of Minore is brought to life by their vibrant playing. During the second half, music is of equal importance; it forms a key narrative function whilst also driving the pace and tone of the madness. 

It may take its time in getting itself going, but once Minore kicks into gear, it becomes something special. If you are after a film with some ingenious special effects that is also a lot of fun, then Minore is the film for you. 


Kat Hughes



Amongst the rich masses of more serious toned movies screening at this year’s FrightFest, Minore is a beacon of unbridled, chaotic joy. 


Minore was reviewed at Pigeon Shrine Video FrightFest 2023.

Kat Hughes is a UK born film critic and interviewer who has a passion for horror films. An editor for THN, Kat is also a Rotten Tomatoes Approved Critic. She has bylines with Ghouls Magazine, Arrow Video, Film Stories, Certified Forgotten and FILMHOUNDS and has had essays published in home entertainment releases by Vinegar Syndrome and Second Sight. When not writing about horror, Kat hosts micro podcast Movies with Mummy along with her five-year-old daughter.


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