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Top Five Joseph Gordon-Levitt Films

For a man that has been working from the tender age of eleven, it’s not a surprise that Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a wide array of films under his belt as well as a huge following of fans. He’s been quoted in the past saying he’s made a conscious decision to only be in good movies, and admitted the “most scripts are bad”, meaning that you know you’ll be seeing a corker if he’s involved. And so to celebrate the upcoming release of Joseph’s new film, PREMIUM RUSH (in cinemas across the UK from Friday 14th September), here’s a list of some of the best films starring Hollywood’s new golden boy.


The first time JGL graced the silver screen was back when he was 11, playing young Norman in the Academy Award® winning A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT. Although he only had a few lines, the film, directed by Robert Redford and also starring a young Brad Pitt, was the first in a long line of hits for Joseph, and readied him for a life of working with big names.


If you’ve not seen INCEPTION, you absolutely have to. Storming the box office is 2010, INCEPTION tells the story of Dominick Cobb (played by Leonardo DiCaprio), a skilled thief who steals valuable secrets from subconscious victims whilst they sleep. JGL plays Cobb’s right hand man, taking care of the details and making sure he can complete his mission whilst they take on the perfect heist in order to win Cobb his freedom.

Joseph’s acting skills are clear in this film as he forever sets himself apart from the little boy from THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN, and looks plenty at home next to big name stars such as the afore mentioned Leo, Ellen Page, Tom Hardy and Marion Cotillard.


Heard of this little gem? We thought so. Its seems to be the film that made most of the ladies out there go weak at the knees for Detective Blake, as well as making many chins wag about whether he could be in line to be the next Batman if a fourth film is made. Whatever the case, Joseph Gordon-Levitt really shines in the role as he helps Batman to save the city of Gotham.


This film achieves the almost impossible – taking a serious and life-changing disease and making it into a non-offensive and actually funny comedy. 50/50 tells the story of Adam, a twenty something writer who is diagnosed with cancer. The film has an indie type feel, many of the scenes are improvised and is actually based on the real life struggle of the writer. One of the top films of last year so if you haven’t seen it make sure you check it out!


The final one on the list of JGL knock-outs is this indie rom-com that Joseph starred in alongside his real life friend, Zooey Deschanel. Joseph plays Tom Hanson who falls head over heels for Summer Finn, a girl who comes to work at his office and doesn’t believe in love or relationships. Without becoming too soppy, the film portrays in inner turmoil of Tom, and JGL manages to pull off a character that you find yourself rooting for, despite his varyingly odd decisions in love.

So get down to cinemas to see Joseph in his latest blockbuster, where he plays Wilee, a bicycle messenger dealing with the real life dangers of working in New York on a fixie (a lightweight, single-gear bike with no brakes). He gets more than even he is used to though when a routine delivery turns into a real life or death car chase as he picks up a package that could potentially get him killed.  

For some action packed fun from the Golden Boy of Hollywood, get down to cinemas to see PREMIUM RUSH, on Friday 14th September.



  1. Luke Ryan Baldock

    Sep 14, 2012 at 3:08 pm

    No Mysterious Skin, Brick, or Hesher? Although he’s great in everything, all of these performances pale in comparison to those three.

  2. rq

    Sep 14, 2012 at 7:54 pm

    ^ that


    Sep 15, 2012 at 5:59 pm

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s acting career is most
    certainly impressive,,and it’s been quite a
    pleasure to watch him grow-up before our
    very eyes! but it’s still amazing,that his
    very first TV series,was NBC’s “DARK SHADOWS”
    revival in 1991-which,by the way,was way better then Tim Burton’s recent farce! but
    of of course,i will fondly embrace Levitt as
    “Tommy Solomon” from NBC/Carsey-Werner’s hit
    TV series “3rd ROCK FROM THE SUN”-and his 2010
    movie,”HESHER”,which was strange,but enjoyable

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