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Michael Moore sues the Weinsteins

Filmmaker Michael Moore is suing producing duo the Weinstein brothers, who he alleges owe him $2.7m in profits from Fahrenheit 9/11.

According to BBC News, Moore claims Bob and Harvey Weinstein have used “Hollywood accounting tricks” to keep the money from him.

Moore, whose other work includes Bowling for Columbine and Capitalism: A Love Story, has said his deal with the brothers was to divide profits equally, but that “grossly excessive and unreasonable” expenses – such as a private jet and advertising funds that were never spent – were deducted before the total was split. The alleged irregularities were exposed during an audit, legal papers show.

“His claims are hogwash. They are totally without merit. He’s been paid every dime he’s entitled to,” said the Weinsteins’ lawyer, Bert Fields.

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