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Charlene Yi delivers a killer blow to SCREAM 4

Last night, actress Charlene Yi— who you may be familiar with from Paper Heart or Knocked Up— was the second guest on Conan.  The interview was apparently going rather well and according to plan, and then– towards the end of their chat– she threw the WORLD a curve ball about SCREAM 4.

 If you’re looking forward to the film and don’t wanna be spoiled in any way, you’ll probably want to avoid what we’ve got for you below.

Conan:  Have you ever auditioned for anything famous, something we would have heard of?

Charlene Yi:  I auditioned for SCREAM 4.

Conan:  SCREAM 4?!

Charlene Yi:  Yeah, I auditioned for the role of the killer.

Did she reveal the gender of the killer in SCREAM 4

 Wes Craven’s been hard at work, and it’s been a very troubled production:  reshoots, rewrites, a sprawling cast, and other obstacles have been a constant headache for the studio producing the film.  If Yi just revealed that the killer in SCREAM 4 is, in fact, a woman, this may be the latest stumbling block for the production.

 I’d say it’s a pretty massive spoiler, enough to piss on the surprise party he may have had in store for us.



  1. Michael

    Nov 11, 2010 at 10:19 pm

    1. There were no reshoots. The film just wrapped. Fact check before you release an article. 2. Rewrites have been a rumor created by ONE tabloid journalist. 3. The cast is big based on, you know, THE SCRIPT.

    I wait for the day a site like this release articles based on fact instead of speed.

  2. da

    Nov 12, 2010 at 12:44 am

    it has NOT been a troubled production. some very minor writing credits had to be worked out. stop spreading lies. there has been ZERO reshoots for the film. get your facts right

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