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Robert Downey Jr. Talks About His Future As Tony Stark/ Iron Man

Robert Downey Jr. is back on our screens as Tony Stark/ Iron Man later this week in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and the 52-year-old actor has been talking with the press while out and about on the press tour for the movie. In an interview with, Downey spoke about may things, but one of them was his future in the role which has made him a household name once again. Here’s what he had to say about his Iron Man future…

Iron Man future in doubt?

Robert Downey Jr on his Iron Man future? How long will be play the role for Marvel Studios?

“It’s this cyclical thing. I could have said when the first Avengers came out: ‘It’s never going to get any better than that. Everybody stop.’ But to me it’s always about people and opportunities, like the (Avengers directors Anthony and Joe) Russos, who I adore.”

The actor continued:

“Everyone says to me it’s like a glove that fits so well. I have to start over every time but I am starting over with a pretty solid base. I just never want to blow it for the last six or seven (MCU movies) I have done by dropping the ball because I decided to go do it one more time. I just want to hang up my jersey before it’s embarrassing.”

Whatever Robert Downey Jr’s Iron Man future is, we know we’ll be seeing him on the big screen for the foreseeable future – in next year’s ensemble Avengers: Infinity War, and its sequel the following year.

You can read more at the end of the link above – it’s quite an extensive interview. We’ll have a full review of the film hitting the site tomorrow. Spider-Man: Homecoming is in UK cinemas from Wednesday 5th July. A sequel has already been set for the summer of 2019.


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