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Tim Burton ‘Big Eyes’ Oscar Race With New Poster

The new poster as seen below for Tim Burton’s BIG EYES has been released ahead of its opening on Boxing Day, solidifying its position as a major Oscar contender.

Big Eyes_620x400

Starring Christoph Waltz (HORRIBLE BOSSES 2, DJANGO UNCHAINED) and Amy Adams (AMERICAN HUSTLE), the film is based on the true story of Walter Keane (Waltz) who claimed ownership of his wife Margaret’s (Adams) kitschy paintings of waifs with big eyes that became a mass-marketed pop sensation in the late 1950s-early 1960s. Bitterly complicit until the end of her marriage, the truth was eventually revealed during their sensational 1986 court case over artist ownership.

Do you think Adams will be rewarded with a sixth Oscar nomination and Waltz his third Oscar?

Check out the trailer below.

BIG EYES opens in theatres on Boxing Day.

Apart from being the worst and most unfollowed tweeter on Twitter, Sacha loves all things film and music. With a passion for unearthing the hidden gems on the Festival trail from London and New York to her home in the land Down Under, Sacha’s favourite films include One Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Fight Club, Autism in Love and Theeb. You can also make her feel better by following her @TheSachaHall.

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