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Afflicted DVD Review

Afflicted DVDDirector: Derek Lee, Clif Prowse.

Starring: Derek Lee, Cliff Prowse, Michael Gill, Baya Rehaz.

Running Time: 85 minutes

Certificate: 18

AFFLICTED brings some new faces to the world of found footage, as Derek Lee and Clif Prowse turn an idyllic travel into a horrific nightmare. In this CHRONICLE with a horror edge, we find Derek soon set upon by a mysterious illness which eventually gives him some incredible powers.

The slow build up and reveal of each individual power is wonderfully executed in this found-footage tale, and each one is brought to life by stunning and seamless special effects. The film knows exactly when to turn away for a second, and when to supply another impressive visual. It may not be on teh scale of big budget blockbusters, but they all come unexpectedly. The footage also stays within its realms and never appears to be shot on high end cameras.

Character wise, AFFLICTED is also rather impressive. Derek and Clif, both adopting their real names, have genuine chemistry which probably comes naturally from years of being friends. It adds a few emotional punches, but once the film gets going it fully invests in its horror premise. With creepy imagery made all the more sinister by drawing us in with exceptional powers, making it all rather alluring, we’re constantly thrust into the shoes of the two characters and the predicament they find themselves in.

With some beautiful locations and shocking body horror too, AFFLICTED is a very well rounded film that raises its head above the mediocre films in the genre. A real showcase of upcoming talent, and a fun take on previously explored ideas, what it lacks in originality is fully compensated for by a punchy and enjoyable pace.

[usr=3]AFFLICTED is out on DVD on 6th October.

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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