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Child’s Pose DVD Review

Child's Pose DVDDirector: Calin Peter Netzer,

Starring: Luminita Gheorghiu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Natasa Raab, Ilinca Goia, Florin Zamfirescu,   

 Running Time: 112 minutes

Certificate: 15

Romania continues to be the country that churns out instant classics. The last decade has produced many startling and confrontational films from a country still looking to make its true voice heard since overthrowing communism. In fact, Romania may very well hold the title for best and second best films of 2013, with BEYOND THE HILLS and now CHILD’S POSE breathing a mature sense of integrity and excellence into the cinematic landscape. Dark with heart is probably the best way to describe both films, and CHILD’S POSE reaches levels of emotional confrontation usually absent from many films.

Cornelia (Gheorghiu) is part of Romania’s social elite. Attending luncheons and dressing in finery is all part of the image she has created for herself. One night she is informed that her son Barbu (Dumitrache) has hit and killed a young boy while driving home. The plot then delves into the mind of Cornelia as she tries her hardest to keep her son from prison. A simple plot is capitalised on by not travelling traditional routes. Barbu is a good person, more than willing to tell the truth and accept any punishment that may be bestowed upon him. His mother meanwhile, is cold and calculating, but again not a bad person. There is a distinct air of ambiguity that has the audience questioning whether her intentions are noble and propelled by love of her son, or merely an attempt to protect her valued image.

This ambiguity results in a film that isn’t an easy watch as we are presented with no clear villains or heroes. Best of all, the characters realise this too. In one scene, the deceased boy’s father breaks down and suggests maybe he is to blame for not teaching his son not to cross main roads. The film offers no easy solutions such as a manipulative score or heavy handed dialogue, keeping the traditional realistic approach of films such as 4 ½ WEEKS and THE DEATH OF MR LAZERESCU. More often than not you’ll feel a part of the film.

Cornelia’s approach throughout is so blunt she could never be considered as evil. She tells her son to change his statement and does so in front of the police. Such moments also allow Netzer to comment on the state of society and the social divide in Romania. Cornelia feels justified in manipulating certain events and even uses money as a way to buy the truth and to buy forgiveness. Every performance is of the highest calibre as complex emotions gradually unfold. Barbu’s rejections of his mother’s help may not be just out of guilt, but perhaps out of a fear of being controlled by his mother. Dumitrache captures so many different feelings in his face that it can look as though every muscle under his skin is having an argument.

CHILD’S POSE is a rare film where everything feels necessary, from each character to every line of dialogue. Important moments are captured from afar and are devoid of dialogue, because Netzer realises the power of his material. This is a situation where all can relate, even if they can’t imagine how horrible it would be, and rather than pointing the finger or surrounding certain characters with sympathy, it instead asks you to stop, think, and consider. An absolutely gorgeous piece of work that pips its national contemporary to best film of 2013.

5 STARSCHILD’S POSE is released on DVD on 16th December.

Luke likes many things, films and penguins being among them. He's loved films since the age of 9, when STARGATE and BATMAN FOREVER changed the landscape of modern cinema as we know it. His love of film extends to all aspects of his life, with trips abroad being planned around film locations and only buying products featured in Will Smith movies. His favourite films include SEVEN SAMURAI, PASSION OF JOAN OF ARC, IN BRUGES, LONE STAR, GODZILLA, and a thousand others.

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