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Video Confirmation: John Williams To Score Star Wars Episode VII, VIII, IX

There is a massive STAR WARS Celebration going on right now in Germany, something I wish I was at I will add, and the first big confirmation out of that event is that composer John Williams is on board to score the music for STAR WAS EPISODE VII, and VIII, and even IX. I love this guy and his music even more, and a STAR WARS movie would not be a STAR WARS movie without his tones on the soundtrack. Here Williams is confirming the news via a video from official sources at Disney and Lucasfilm. We’ll bring you more news that comes out of the event as and when.

JJ Abrams directs STAR WARS EPISODE VII. The film will be released in the summer of 2015.

Source: YouTube



  1. Pingback: Online video Confirmation: John Williams To Rating Star Wars Episode VII, VIII, IXCelebrity Blog | Celebrity Blog

  2. bfg666

    Jul 28, 2013 at 2:07 am

    Let’s hope this great composer will be more inspired by this new trilogy than he was by the prequels, because to be honest, though his work on the original trilogy was pure genius, the prequels’ scores were really not so great…

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