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Justin Lin wants to bring Sarah Connor back for Terminator 5

As you may know FAST FIVE helmer Justin Lin is pretty hot property in Hollywood at the moment, the main reason being that his last movie is one of the (surprisingly) top grossing films of the year, and indeed one of my favourites too. Well, after knocking out another installment in the ‘Fast’ series, Lin will then grasp a hold of the TERMINATOR franchise and it looks like he has some pretty cool ideas for the movie, including bringing back a major character in the form of Sarah Connor.

He spoke to Moviehole.

“I’ve always been surprised how in part 3 she was just… It was like one line and she was gone.”

Lin continued: “But I think the great thing about this franchise is you can actually have different canons because you have the element of time travel. So, there’s a way of kind of respecting all the works but also able to create a new time line.”

When asked if this is his plan to right all the wrongs, Lin replied: “Yes.”

So cool. Well, as long as he puts The Rock in the film somewhere I don’t give a shit.

More at the end of the link.

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